June 2018
We moved!! The Sheriff Lab has a new home at UMass Dartmouth.
We moved!! The Sheriff Lab has a new home at UMass Dartmouth.
Look for new papers coming out from our lab; Kirsty Macleod just had accepted a ms on predation risk and lethality in snowshoe hares, we just had another on snow cover impacts on arctic ground squirrel function and fitness.
We also just had the Pan European Network put our work on their website! see links below.
The lab was feature in a profile piece in the Pan European Network Science and Technology magazine – see links below.
We made the NSF.gov front page ticker tape!
Welcome to the lab Louis Hunninck (new PhD student) and Wilderson Medina (new MSc student)!
Welcome back to the lab Elyse McMahon who will be returning as a PhD student!
Amy Shipley has arrived and is busy freezing, grinding, and analyzing grouse poo!
Dr. Sheriff and the lab are on Twitter, @SheriffLab
Congratulations to Lauren Cherry our most recent graduate!!
Jen Heppner was awarded the Erickson Discover Grant!
Welcome to undergraduate researchers Destini Acosta and Hunter Kauffman to the lab.
Michael has been invited to speak at the upcoming Gordon Research Conference on Predator-Prey Interactions (https://www.grc.org/programs.aspx?id=16781)!
Elyse McMahon will be starting a Phd investigating the interactive effects of fear and fire, beginning in September!
Congrats to Michaela, 2nd place in the graduate poster competition at the recent Texas Chapter TWS meeting.
Michael will be giving the Bartholomew Plenary Lecture this year at SICB.
Welcome Michaela to the lab for the next month!
While the lab comes and goes for the summer, Michael and his family are off to Israel. Michael is an invited Fellow to the Israel Institute for Advanced Studies at Hebrew University.
School’s out for the summer!! And only days later Kirsty, David, Dustin, and Cam have all left for Solon Dixon to catch lizards. While Cate has taken off to Argentina to continue her work with vicunas and pumas.