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Donelan SC, Hellmann JK, Bell AM, Luttbeg B, Orrock JL, Sheriff MJ, Sih A (2019) Trangenerational plasticity in human-altered environments. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 35: 115-124.
Sprayberry K, Tylan C, Owen DAS, MacLeod KJ, Sheriff MJ Langkilde T (2019) History of predator exposure affects cell-medaited immunity in female eastern fence lizards, Sceloporus undulatus (Squamata: Phrynosomatidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 128: 944-951.
Merkle JA, Anderson NJ, Baxley DL, Chopp M, Gigliotti LC, Gude JA, Harms TM, Johnson HE, Merrill EH, Mitchell MS, Mong TW, Nelson J, Norton AS, Sheriff MJ, Tomasik E, VanBeek KR. (2019) A collaborative approach to bridging the gap between wildlife managers and researchers. The Journal of Wildlife Management 83: 1644-1651.
Smith JA, Donadio E, Pauli JN, Sheriff MJ, Middleton AD (2019) Integrating temporal refugia into landscapes of fear: prey exploit predator downtimes to forage in risky places. Oecologia 189: 883-890.
Smith JA, Donadio E, Pauli JN, Sheriff MJ, Bidder OR, Middleton AD (2019) Habitat complexity mediates the predator-prey space race. Ecology 100: e02724.
Shipley AA, Sheriff MJ, Pauli JN, Zuckerberg B (2019) Snow roosting reduces temperature-associated stress in a wintering bird. Oecologia 190: 309-321.
Owen DAS, Sheriff MJ, Heppner JJ, Gerke H, Ensminger DC, MacLeod KJ, Langkilde T (2019) Maternal corticosterone increases thermal sensitivity of heart rate in lizard embryos. Biology Letters 15: 20180718.
Enminger DC, Langkilde T, Owen DAS, Macleod KJ, Sheriff MJ (2018) Maternal stress alters the phenotype of the mother, her eggs and her offspring in a wild-caught lizard. Journal of Animal Ecology 87: 1685-1697.
MacLeod KJ, Sheriff MJ, Ensminger DC, Owen DAS, Langkilde T (2018) Survival and reproductive costs of repeated acute glucocorticoid elevations in a captive, wild animal. General and Comparative Endocrinology 268: 1-6.
Owen DAS, Sheriff MJ, Engler HI, Langkilde T (2018) Sex-dependent effects of maternal stress: Stressed moms invest less in sons than daughters. Journal of Experimental Zoology A 329: 317-322.
Sheriff MJ, Dantzer B, Love OP, Orrock JL (2018) Error management theory and the adaptive significance of transgenerational maternal-stress effects on offspring phenotype. Ecology and Evolution 8: 6473-6482.
MacLeod KJ, Krebs CJ, Boonstra R, Sheriff MJ (2018) Fear and lethality in snowshoe hares: the deadly effects of non-consumptive predation risk. Oikos 127: 375-380.
Sheriff MJ, Boonstra R, Palme R, Buck CL, Barnes BM (2017) Coping with differences in snow cover: the impact on the condition, physiology and fitness of an arctic hibernator. Conservation Physiology 5: cox065.
Sheriff MJ, Bell A, Boonstra R, Dantzer B, Lavergne S, McGhee KE, MacLeod KJ, Winandy L, Zimmer C, Love OP (2017) Integrating ecological and evolutionary context in the study of maternal stress. Integrative and Comparative Biology: doi:org.10.1093/icb/icx105.
Williams CT, Buck CL, Sheriff MJ, Richter MM, Krause JS, Barnes BM (2017) Sex-dependent phenological plasticity in an arctic hibernator. American Naturalist in press.
Gigliotti LC*, Diefenbach DR, Sheriff MJ (2017) Snowshoe hare winter dynamics. Canadian Journal of Zoology 95: 539-545.
Hobbie EA, Shamhart J, Sheriff MJ, Ouimette AP, Trapee M, Schuur EAG, Hobbie JE, Boonstra R, Barnes BM (2017) You are what you eat: isotopic signatures of plant and fungal diet in Arctic ground squirrels. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research:
Chaby LE, Sheriff MJ, Cavigelli SA, Hirrlinger Am*, Lim J*, Braithwaite VA (2016) Stress during adolescence shapres performance in adulthood: Context-dependent effects on foraging and vigilance. Ethology, doi 10.1111/eth.12463.
*undergraduate researcher
JL Orrock, Sih A, Ferrari MCO, Karban R, Preisser EL, Sheriff MJ, Thaler JS (2015) Error management in plant allocation to herbivore defense. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 30:441-445.
Sheriff MJ (2015) The adaptive potential of maternal stress exposure in regulating population dynamics. Journal of Animal Ecology 84: 323-325.
Werner JR, Krebs CJ, Donker SA, Sheriff MJ (2015) Forest or meadow: the consequences of habitat for the condition of female arctic ground squirrels (Urocitellus parryii plesius). Canadian Journal of Zoology 93: 791-797.
Chaby LE, Sheriff MJ, Hirrlinger AM*, Lim J*, Fetherston TB*, Braithwaite VA (2015) Does chronic unpredictable stress during adolescence affect spatial cognition in adulthood. PLoS ONE 10: e0141908. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0141908.
*undergraduate researcher
Chaby LE, Sheriff MJ, Hirrlinger AM*, Braithwaite VA (2015) Can we understand how developmental stress enhances performance under future threat with the Yerkes-Dodson law? Communicative and Integrative Biology 8:e1029689.
*undergraduate researcher
Sheriff MJ, Buck CL, Barnes BM (2015) Autumn conditions as a driver of spring phenology in a free-living arctic mammal. Climate Change Responses 2: 4 doi. 10.1186/s40665-015-0012-x.
Werner JR, Krebs CJ, Donker SA, Boonstra R, Sheriff MJ (2015) Arctic ground squirrel population collapse in the boreal forests of the Southern Yukon. Wildlife Research doi. org/10/1071/WR14240.
Sheriff MJ, McMahon EK*, Krebs CJ, Boonstra R (2015) Predator-induced maternal stress and population demography in snowshoe hares: The more severe the risk, the longer the generational effect. Journal of Zoology doi: 10.1111/jzo.12249.
*undergraduate researcher
Chaby LE, Sheriff MJ, Hirrlinger AM*, Braithwaite VA (2015) Does early stress prepare individuals for a stressful future? Stress during adolescence improves foraging under threat. Animal Behavior 105:37-45.
*undergraduate researcher
Sheriff MJ, Thaler JS (2014) Ecophysiological effects of predation risk; an integration across disciplines. Oecologia 176: 607-611.
Dantzer B, Fletcher QE, Boonstra R, Sheriff MJ (2014) Measures of physiological stress: a transparent or opaque window into the status, management and conservation of species? Conservation Physiology 2, doi: 10.1093/conphys/cou023.
Boonstra R, Dantzer B, Delehanty B, Fletcher Q, Sheriff MJ (2014) Equipped for life in the Boreal Forest: the role of the stress axis in mammals. Arctic 67: 82-97.
(Special Issue Invited Submission)
Sheriff MJ, Frindinger RW, Tøien Ø, Barnes BM, Buck CL (2013) Metabolically rate and pre hibernation fattening in free-living arctic ground squirrels. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 86: 515-527.
Sheriff MJ, Richter M, Buck CL, Barnes BM (2013) Changing seasonality and phenology of free-living arctic ground squirrels; the importance of sex. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 368: 20120480.
(Special Issue Invited Submission)
Helm B, Ben-Shlomo R, Sheriff MJ, Hut R, Foster R Barnes BM, Dominoni D, (2013) Annual Rhythms that underlie phenology: biological time-keeping meets environmental change. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 280: 20130016.
(Special Issue Invited Submission)
Sheriff MJ, Love OP (2013) Maternal stress as a driver of adaptive phenotypic responses in offspring. Ecology Letters 16: 271-280.
Clinchy M, Sheriff MJ, Zanette L (2013) Predator-induced stress and the ecology of fear. Functional Ecology 27: 56-65.
(Special Issue Invited Submission)
Love OP, McGowan P, Sheriff MJ (2013) Maternal adversity and ecological stressors in natural populations: the role of stress axis programming in individuals, with implications for populations and communities. Functional Ecology 27: 81-92.
(Special Issue Invited Submission)
Sheriff MJ, Williams CT, Kenagy GJ, Buck CL, Barnes BM (2012) Thermoregulatory changes anticipate hibernation onset by 45 days: data from free-living arctic ground squirrels. Journal of Comparative Physiology B 182: 841-847.
Williams CT, Sheriff MJ, Kohl F, Barnes BM, Buck CL (2012) Interrelationships among timing of hibernation, reproduction, and warming soil in free-living female arctic ground squirrels. In: Living in a seasonal world: themoregulatory and metabolic adaptations (Eds. T Ruf, C Bieber, W Arnold and E Millesi) Springer-Verlag.
Sheriff MJ, Wheeler H, Donker SA, Krebs CJ, Palme R, Hik D, Boonstra R (2012) Mountain-top and valley bottom experiences: the stress axis as an integrator of environmental variability in arctic ground squirrel populations. Journal of Zoology 287: 65-75.
(Cover Article)
Sheriff MJ, Kenagy GJ, Richter M, Lee T, Toien O, Kohl F, Buck CL, Barnes BM (2011) Phenological variation in annual timing of hibernation and breeding in nearby arctic ground squirrel populations. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 278: 2369-2375.
Williams CT, Sheriff MJ, Gaglioti B, Kohl F, Toien O, Buck CL, Barnes BM (2011) Data logging of body temperatures provides precise information on phenology of reproductive events in an arctic hibernator. Journal of Comparative Physiology B 181: 1101-1109.
Clinchy M, Schulkin J, Zanette L, Sheriff MJ, McGowan PO, Boonstra R (2011) The neurological ecology of fear: insights neuroscientists and ecologists have to offer one another. Frontiers in Behavioural Neuroscience 5: 1-6.
(Invited Submission)
Sheriff MJ, Dantzer B, Delehanty B, Palme R, Boonstra R (2011) Measuring stress in wildlife: techniques for quantifying glucocorticoids in wildlife. Oecologia 166: 869-887.
Sheriff MJ, Krebs CJ, Boonstra R (2011) From process to pattern: How fluctuating predation risk impacts the stress axis of snowshoe hares during the 10-year cycle. Oecologia 166: 593-605.
Sheriff MJ, Krebs CJ, Boonstra R (2010) The ghosts of predators past: Population cycles and the role of maternal programming under fluctuating predation risk. Ecology 91: 2983-2994.
(Featured in Research Highlights in Nature 464: 653)
Sheriff MJ, Krebs CJ, Boonstra R (2010) Assessing stress in animal populations: Do fecal and plasma glucocorticoids tell the same story? General and Comparative Endocrinology 166: 614-619.
Sheriff MJ, Krebs CJ, Boonstra R (2009) The sensitive hare: Sublethal effects of predator stress on reproduction in snowshoe hares. Journal of Animal Ecology 78: 1249-1258.
(In Focus Article; Elton Prize for Best Paper by a Young Author; Re-published in The Legacy of Charles Elton, J Anim Ecol Virtual Issue July 2011)
Sheriff MJ, Speakman JR, Kuchel L, Boutin S, Humphries MM (2009) The cold shoulder: Free-ranging snowshoe hares maintain a low cost of living in cold climates. Canadian Journal of Zoology 87: 956-964.
Sheriff MJ, Krebs CJ, Boonstra R (2009) A non-invasive technique for analyzing fecal cortisol metabolites in snowshoe hares (Lepus americanus). Journal of Comparative Physiology B 179: 305-313.
Sheriff MJ, Kuchel L, Boutin S, Humphries MM (2009) Seasonal metabolic acclimatization in a northern population of free-ranging snowshoe hares, Lepus americanus. Journal of Mammalogy 90: 761-767.