Explorers Club
In part due to her work in the remote Andes, Cate Pritchard is now a member of the Explorers Club, NYC, an interdisciplinary society which encourages exploration for research.
In part due to her work in the remote Andes, Cate Pritchard is now a member of the Explorers Club, NYC, an interdisciplinary society which encourages exploration for research.
Dr. Sheriff named to Oecologia Editorial Board as Handling Editor for Terrestrial Vertebrate Ecology
Congratulations to Shebly Harkless and Lexi Riehl who were both awarded the College of Ag. Sci. Undergraduate Research awards!
Shelby Harkless and Elyse McMahon each presented excellent posters of their work in the Sheriff Lab at the Wildlife Society Annual Conference in Pittsburg, PA. Great job ladies!